Mixologist Dmitry Ananiev, Rosinter Restaurants, Moscow - Russia
The fragrance of Moscato Grapes, harvested fresh and soft from dedicated areas, is celebrated in this floral and enveloping cocktail, signed by Dmitry Ananiev, mixologist in Moscow.
4 cl Grappa Nonino Monovitigno® Moscato
4 fresh grapes
4 slices of lime
1,5 cl sugar syrup*/honey syrup**
How to
* pure sugar syrup: mix a part of boiling water with a part of fruit sugar.
** honey syrup: mix a part of boiling water with a part of honey.
In a pre-cooled glass put the lime and the grapes. Mash with a pestle, fill the glass with ground ice and pour all the ingredients inside.
Stir with care. Decorate with a slice of lime and grapes.