The manifestation took place in the Principality of Monaco from 14 to 16 March 2014 and has been promoted by the Italian Embassy in Monaco and carried out with the patronage of the Departments of Foreign Affairs, Economic Development and Agricultural and Forestry Policies, aims to the improvement of the Italian know-how and to making small and medium-sized companies as well as Italian major groups, more competitive in the foreign markets, starting from the Principality of Monaco where the Italian economic presence is strong. The round tables, each dedicated to a different sector: agriculture and food, building, cultural heritage and fashion, were attended by Mario Boselli, president of the Camera della Moda Italiana, the Florentine entrepreneur Stefano Ricci, the owner of Geox Mario Moretti Polegato, Radwan Khawatmi, appointed by Confindustria as the immigrated entrepreneur of the year in 2009, and Livia Pomodoro, president of the Court of Milan, among the others.
In the picture on the stage from left: Antonio Morabito Italian Ambassador in the Principality of Monaco Elisabetta and Antonella Nonino, Francesco Grosoli CEO of the Barclays Bank of Monaco and Cristina Nonino.