Grappa Nonino stopping place of Alpe Adria Radweg!
Grappa Nonino a stopping place of the Ciclovia Alpe Adria Radweg, the cycle route, 425km long, which connects Salzburg to Grado.
On May 19, 2019, the TV WDR published in the program Wunderschön (Wonderful) the episode ‘Mit dem E-Bike durch die Alpen – von Salzburg bis zur Adria’ (With the E-Bike – through the Alps – from Salzburg to the Adriatic). In Italy, the route partly follows the route of the old disused railroad, and from Tarvisio it touches Gemona, Udine, Percoto, Aquileia and finally Grado on the Adriatic Sea.
At the end of each episode, a red backpack – the Wunderschön-Rucksack – is offered as a prize, filled with various souvenirs that the presenter receives in the various places visited.
Nonino Distillatori is present with a space dedicated to the Nonino Distillates, to the distillation with 100% artisanal method and to Grappa Nonino Monovitigno Chardonnay in barriques that is at stake inside the red backpack!
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