Siegfried Lenz has died. In 2010 he was awarded the International Nonino Prize, delivered by Claudio Magris.
Here the motivation of the jury:
Siegfried Lenz is one of the greatest and most loved living writers in German language; in his masterpiece “Deutschstunde”, The German Lesson he has been able to face intimately, with grace and without rhetoric, the painful tragedy of his people that has become a multitude of solitudes at the end of the second World War.
In his creative course above all he has embraced the themes of violence and persecution always filtered by his being detached and distrustful about any ideology. In his latest work “Schweigeminute”, One minute silence, written after going past the threshold of eighty years of age, he has faced the theme of love, whispering as usual a timeless story.
His works are published in Italy by Neri Pozza
In the picture Siegfried Lenz with Antonella Nonino